Cola verticillata
Diagnostic description:
A tree to 30 m tall and 70 cm diameter. Leaves verticillate in whorls of 4, elliptic-lanceolate or obovate, shortly and abruptly narrowly acuminate, 11-25 cm long, 3.5-9 cm broad. Inflorescence densely tomentellous, densely flowerd, up to 7 cm long, calyx lobes densely tomentellous inside and outside. Fruiting carpels brown, surface rough to touch, due to a minute indumentum, but not knobbly, up to 20cm long, and 9 cm broad; seeds about 6-8 per carpel, each with thick testa and 3-4 cotyledons.
Global Distribution:
Upper and Lower Guinea, from Guinea to the Democratic Republic of Congo