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Dicranolepis disticha Planch.
Family: ThymelaeaceaeGenus: Dicranolepis
Dicranolepis disticha Planch.
A shrub 1.5 - 3 m high, with slender glabrous branches. Leaves 2-ranked, obliquely lanceolate, obtusely caudate-acuminate, entire, very shortly petioled, glabrous, dark green above, yellowish-green beneath (when dry), 2.5–7 cm long, 2–4 cm broad. Flowers 5-merous, yellow, solitary, subsessile, 2.5–4 cm long. Calyx-tube glabrous or pubescent without; lobes oblong, rounded or obtuse at the apex, pubescent, parallel-veined. Petals opposite and rather shorter than the calyx-lobes, more or less deeply bifid. Fruit oblong or more or less spherical, about 1.7 cm long.