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Discoglypremna caloneura (Pax) Prain
Family: EuphorbiaceaeGenus: Discoglypremna
Tree, 15–25 m high; twigs glabrous. Leaves petioled, firm, oblong or rounded-oblong, usually shortly caudate-acuminate, base cuneate or almost rounded, entire or faintly toothed, 7–10 cm long, 5–6 cm wide, glabrous or with a few hairs on the main nerves beneath, 3-nerved from the base; petiole 4.5–5 cm long. Panicles 15–20 cm long, 7–10 cm wide. Male: Calyx valvately 5-partite, less often 3–4-partite, in bud globose, 1 mm wide. Stamens 7–8; filaments far exserted, slender, glabrous; receptacular glands all inter-staminal, very variable in thickness, hirsute at the apex, about twice as many as the filaments; anthers dorsifixed near the apex; connective conical; cells distinct, each unequally 2-locellate, with the smaller locellus on the inner side. Female: Calyx valvately 5-sect; lobes reflexed. Ovary 3-celled, hirsute; styles free, undivided, fimbriate on the inner face, recurved-spreading; ovules in each cell solitary. Disk of 12–16 mm large ovate obtuse thick scales, hirsute at the margin and on upper side. Capsule 3-coccous, sparingly hairy; cocci 2-valved. Seeds ovoid, completely enveloped in a thick pulpy aril; testa very hard and thick, black, somewhat polished, foveolate; tegmen grey, distinct; albumen fleshy; cotyledons suborbicular, slightly cordate at the base.