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Staudtia kamerunensis Warb.
Family: MyristicaceaeGenus: Staudtia
Tree 15–35 m tall, with straight or slightly sinuous bole up to 2.1 m diameter at the base; bark reddish grey or cinnamon-coloured, with concavities where the bark has flaked off to leave orange patches beneath; slash crimson exuding copious sap, which turns blood-red; twigs drying dark brown, ± angularly ridged. Leaves discolorous, drying chestnut-brown beneath, narrowly oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 5.5–16 cm long, 1.7–5.3 cm wide, acute to acuminate at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base; lateral nerves ± 10 pairs, slightly impressed above, obscurely raised beneath; midrib prominent on both surfaces; petiole 5–10 mm long. Inflorescences with very short ferruginous pubescence; peduncle 2 mm long; male 5–7 mm in diameter, 20–50-flowered; female 8–10 mm in diameter, 30–40-flowered. Male flowers 3-lobed, ± 2 mm long, densely ferruginous puberulous with minute biramous adpressed hairs under 0.1 mm long; female flowers similar to male, ovary tomentellous. Fruits yellow or cinnamon-coloured, ellipsoid, 2.2–5 cm long, 1.7–4.5 cm wide, at first tomentellous, later glabrous and ± shining, the valve sutures sharply raised; pericarp ± 5 mm thick, scarlet inside; fruiting peduncles 3–8 mm long, woody; pedicels 3–8 mm long; stipes 0–2 mm long. Seeds ellipsoid or ovoid; aril lobed at apex.