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Staudtia gabunensis Warb.
Family: MyristicaceaeGenus: Staudtia
Evergreen tree 10–28(35) m tall; bole slender, up to0.75 m dbh., narrowly buttressed to 2 m; bark rough, flaking in circular patches to leave brown scars; slash red with abundant red, somewhat stringy latex; branches high up, patent spreading; branchlets glabrous, smooth, yellowish-brown; buds first appressed pubescent, the indumentum reddish-brown consisting of short-stalked ± T-shaped hairs, easily rubbed off. Leaves subcoriaceous, 7–15(18) x 2.2–6.5 cm, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, or ± narrowly elliptic, sometimes oblong-oblanceolate, long acuminate to caudate at the apex or sometimes obtuse, broadly cuneate to ± rounded at the base, dark green above, paler and very densely minutely glandular-punctate beneath, glabrous; margins entire; main lateral nerves in 5–10 pairs, ± obscure above, slightly raised below, tertiary venation reticulate; petiole 5–17 mm long, dark brown pubescent with caducous appressed hairs. Inflorescences usually borne on 2-year old branches, usually in axils of fallen leaves, subglobose-capitate; peduncle 3–5 mm long, swelling into a club-shaped apex, the lower part resembling the twig and several–many-bracteate, the bracts broadly ovate and hairy. Male inflorescence 4–6 mm in diameter; flowers 20–50 on a subglobose receptacle, flower and pedicel up to c. 2 mm long, funnel-shaped, 3-lobed, ferruginous-puberulous; anthers 3, adnate to apex of staminal column. Female inflorescence 6–9 mm in diameter; flowers 10–30 on a subglobose receptacle, 3-lobed, ferruginous-puberulous, flower and pedicel c. 3 mm long, narrowly funnel-shaped; pedicels elongating in fruit; ovary ± globose, stigma sessile. Infructescence stalk (peduncle) 3–8 mm long, stout, woody; fruits on pedicels 3–8 mm long and 3–4 mm wide (occasionally also stipitate at the base), in clusters of 2–20, red and somewhat fleshy when ripe, 13–25(36) x 15–19 mm, ellipsoid to ovoid, splitting vertically into two valves, dark brown puberulous when young, glabrescent; pericarp cartilaginous, up to c. 3 mm thick, becoming thickly woody-crustaceous when dry. Seed single, 12–20 x 8–12 mm, narrowly ovoid, dark brown. Aril enveloping 3/4 or more of the seed, lobulate at the apex, thinly fleshy, red or pink; lobes 2–5 mm long and c. 1 mm wide, shortly strap-shaped and usually bifid at the apex.