Treculia africana
General description:
Tree up to 30(50) m tall. Leaf lamina oblong-lanceolate, sometimes elliptic or ovate, (5)10–25(50) x (2.5)4–12(20) cm, coriaceous; apex acuminate, sometimes subacute; base cuneate to subcordate; margin entire to faintly repand; superior surface subglabrous, inferior surface sparsely puberulous on the main veins; lateral veins (8)10–18 pairs, with the tertiary venation mainly reticulate; petiole 2–15 mm long; stipules 1–1.8 cm long, caducous. Inflorescences globose, ellipsoid or obovoid, 2.5–10 cm in diam; peduncle up to 4 mm long; stigmas 3.5(10) mm long. Infructescences globose or nearly so, up to 30 cm in diam; fruit ellipsoid to oblong, 10–15 mm long.
Conservation status: