Funtumia elastica
General description:
Tree to 30 m tall; bole straight and cylindrical, crown narrow; bark brown to dark, thin, slightly fissured, becoming granular on old trees; Slash orange copiously exuding a white latex. Leaves elliptic or ovate, rounded to cuneate at base, acuminate at apex, ca. 20 x 9 cm, with approximately 8-14 pairs of lateral veins, leaf margins wavy. Axils on the main lateral veins not pitted. Flowers yellow-white, fragrant in dense cymes. Corolla tube 6-10 mm long, lobes 5-7mm long. Fruit grey-brown, fusiform, with an acute or acuminate apex, up to 30 cm long, seeds hairy, wind-dispersed.
Conservation status:
Global Distribution:
Widespread from Sierra Leone eastward to Kenya, and all the way south to Mozambique and Angola