Olax triplinerva
General description:
A glabrous shrub of 2 m high. Leaves coriaceous, oblong-elliptical, narrowed to each end, more or less acuminate, basal pair of lateral nerves prominently continued, about 6 mm within the margin, more than half the length of the leaf, 15-18 cm long, 5-7 cm broad; petiole very short or obsolete, the lamina narrowed nearly to the base. Flowers in short, axillary, apparently distichous racemes; pedicels very short, exceeding the ovate bracts. Calyx shortly cupuliform. Petals 6 (or 5). Stamens 9 (or 8), those opposite to the petals antheriferous, with complanate filaments, the odd ones anantherous. Ovary 3-celled at the base. Young fruit wholly enclosed within the accrescent calyx.
Conservation status:
Global Distribution:
Lower Guinea