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Microdesmis puberula Hook.f. ex Planch.
Family: PandaceaeGenus: Microdesmis
A bush or shrub about 3 m high; branchlets slender, woody, pubescent. Leaves oblong, oblong-elliptic or oblong-obovate, more or less caudate-acuminate, acumen mucronate, cuneate and unequal-sided at the base, 4-15 cm long, 2-5 cm broad, dentate or subentire, thinly but firmly chartaceous, dotted with numerous pellucid glands, glabrous on both surfaces or slightly pubescent on the nerves beneath; lateral nerves 4–6 on each side, prominent below, looped and freely branched well within the margin; tertiary nerves lax and reticulate, very distinct on the lower surface; petiole 4-8.5 mm long, sparingly puberulous or nearly glabrous; stipules very small and deciduous. Male flowers fasciculate in the leaf-axils of the young shoots; pedicel up to 2.5 mm long, puberulous or almost tomentellous. Sepals 5, oblong-ovate, subacute, 1 mm long, densely puberulous outside, nearly glabrous within. Petals 5, obovate-oblanceolate, narrowed to the base, about 1.5 mm long, rather fleshy, puberulous on both sides. Stamens 5, inserted at the base of the rudimentary ovary; filaments short. Rudimentary ovary columnar, short, slightly swollen at the apex, puberulous. Female flowers few or solitary in each leaf-axil; pedicel stout, up to 3 mm long, puberulous. Sepals 5, broadly ovate, slightly mucronate, 1mm long and broad, coriaceous, ciliate and appressed-pubescent outside, glabrous within. Ovary ovoid, rather fleshy, shortly setulose; styles very short, laciniate. Fruits globose, muricate, 6 mm in diameter.