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Strombosia grandifolia Hook.f. ex Benth.
Family: OlacaceaeGenus: Strombosia
Large trees up to 30 m high, straight-boled; bark yellow-green to grey, flaking in irregular patches; young branches often drooping, green, slightly fluted. Petiole 1–3 cm long, usually deeply canaliculate; leaf-blade sub-coriaceous, oblong to oblong-elliptic, 6–38 cm long, 4–10 cm wide, acute to subacute, rounded to broadly cuneate at the base; secondary veins (4–)5–7(–10) pairs, ± impressed above and prominent beneath; tertiary veins prominent beneath, ± parallel with one another, running directly between secondary veins. Inflorescence axillary or extra-axillary, fasciculate; pedicels short, up to 5 mm long. Flowers white to yellowish-cream Calyx-tube small, adnate to ovary, having 5 small deltoid free lobes lost only at maturity. Petals oblong-linear, 3–5 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, upper inner half villous, practically glabrous outside. Stamen-filaments adnate to petals for at least three-quarters of their length. Ovary with disk covering apex of the ovary in a cone-like structure, ridged; style 2–4 mm long; stigma usually 3-lobed. Fruits ± ellipsoidal, 2–3 cm long, 1.2 cm across, black when ripe, bearing a circular depression at the apex up to 7 mm in diameter, from the centre of which arises the remains of the persistent style.